
Improving the DX of Drupal

The combination of Symfony and Drupal specific functionality like Entity, Plugin and Config API are what makes us love Drupal 8. Still, we feel like Drupal is still for a big part a drag and drop site builder and there’s a lot of room for DX improvements. We at Wieni are trying to fill this gap with a set of custom-built modules that aim to improve DX and provide a different way of building sites tailored to the client’s needs, offering just the right amount of flexibility to content editors.

Draft of our presentation:



Experience level


I just became team-lead, now what

Today was a good day; you just got promoted as team-lead of your development team. The details weren't all that clear, but the boss told you: "You'll figure it out on the job."

You know there will be some extra responsibilities like taking the lead in job interviews, talking to potential customers, keeping the stack up to date... You don't want to let your team down, and there are a lot of eyes on you.

It might be best to avoid some pitfalls.



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Session track

Business & strategy

Search API internals

Search API is a tool to provide us with a solid searching experience on a drupal site. In this session we will discover trough the magic of xdebug how search api and facets talk to each other, to views and to drupal's render api.

We will see all of the extension points and it will be clear to developers attending when to use what hook/plugin to alter the behavior to what your customer needs.

We will not explain the code/extension points of views/render-api because that would need at least one other slot.



Experience level


BOF request - Power your drupal with AI (Tensorflow)

  • Automaitcally tag your nodes
  • Automatically annotate your images
  • Do face recognition on your images
  • Do emotion detection on your comments

Request for BOF on how to couple tensorflow to Drupal8

I can give a (very) basic introduction on AI/tensorflow but that's about it.



Experience level


Session track

Code & Development

Scaling up - Optimising your landscape for rolling development

Drupal 8 has been around for  a while now and we've moved off the island. For most dev's they are well into the learning curve and more reusable project structure ideas are showing up. As a medium sized business how do we keep this momentum going and maximise it's ROI.
After 2 years of active D8 development, I will discuss what we have noticed, built and thrown away along the way. 

A talk about architectural ideas (and pitfalls) about the horizontal (between different projects) and vertical (within the life time of a single project).


Suranga Gamage

Experience level


Session track


Advanced Solr - Build Data Driven Features

Buzzword Bingo: Did you know that Solr provides artificial intelligence? Really? Yes, Solr is more than a fulltext search server and I'll introduce some of its advanced features to you. And I'll share some ideas with you about how you can use them in Drupal to build some cool stuff.



Experience level


Session track

Code & Development

MySQL high availability & autofailover with ProxySQL & Orchestrator

MySQL replication has been common practice for years. But leveraging master/slave or master/master replication in order to achieve high availability still proves to be challenging:

Experience level


Session track


High availability strategies for Redis

Redis is an in-memory data structure store that can be used as a distributed cache, as a NoSQL database, and even as a message broker.

Unlike Memcached, which is considered its predecessor, Redis offers built-in master/slave replication.

In this presentation, we will have a look at this replication feature, and figure out how we can leverage this from a high availability point of view.

Questions we will answer:

Experience level


Session track


On the health of the npm package ecosystem (and its potential impact on Drupal)

Like many other web-based frameworks, Drupal is increasingly relying on JavaScript libraries (such as React, Node.JS, Angular and many more) for improving its user experience. However, relying on such JavaScript libraries implies a significant risk of breaking or compromising your applications.



Experience level


Session track

Code & Development

Setting up a No-Ops project using Lando, GitLab and

Slides can be found at


In a fast evolving digital world, your teams need evolve together with you. Is your development team still using XAMP for setting up a local environment? At the beginning of a project; do you still spend hours in order to get your DevOps flow ready? It's time for a change.

During this session I will cover following topics:



Experience level


Session track
