SPARC: simplifying energy management with Drupal

Session track
Code & Development
Experience level
50 min

SPARC is an idea for optimizing self-consumption of electricity. During this session, we'll explore a possible solution for home energy management, designed to simplify the transition to renewable energy resources. The focus is on showcasing the use of Drupal in developing a semi-automation system that allocates energy usage without the need for expensive smart devices or vendor-specific cloud platforms.

Target audience
This session is aimed for developers and site-builders who have a clear view on how to achieve a specific workflow, like writing pseudo-code for a certain implementation and connecting the dots to each other. If you already know how to create Business Process Models, you'll be one step ahead of the others.


  1. Presenting the problem
  2. Discovering and connecting the different puzzle pieces
  3. Present future improvements
  4. Summary

Attendees will learn how to ingest data from an external platform to InfluxDB, how to allocate usage of an appliance for a given set of energy and how to show the result of that allocation via Discord.

