
Maximizing Performance in Headless Drupal

Join us for an in-depth exploration of performance optimization strategies tailored specifically for Headless Drupal deployments. This session delves into advanced techniques for enhancing performance, accessibility, and SEO, all within the context of Headless Drupal architecture. Through live demonstrations and real-world examples, attendees will gain practical insights into implementing best practices to elevate website performance.



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Session track

Frontend & Design

VariationCache deep dive


Since Drupal 10.2, we now have VariationCache in core. Previously it lived in contrib and mainly powered the Group module, but now it's also the driving force behind RenderCache, DynamicPageCacheSubscriber and more.

So what exactly is VariationCache, how does it work internally and how do you use it? This session aims to answer all of those questions and hopefully encourages you to use it in your own code.




Experience level


Session track

Code & Development

Kickstart for automated testing in Drupal Core

I’m Len Swaneveld, Lendude on I’m currently one of the subsystem maintainers for Views in Drupal core, fairly active in the core Bug Smash Initiative and was one of the leads for the core PHPUnit Initiative.

This talk will focus on writing test for Drupal using the tooling that is available in Drupal core.

First I will talk a little about how to set up your development environment to run tests and pitfalls that are common when setting this up.



Experience level


Session track

Code & Development

Reinventing core's handler system in Group for more flexibility

The entity handler system in core is great: It allows us to have service-like classes that deal with specific tasks for specific entity types without turning the actual entity type's class into a monolithic pile of bloat. But it has one major downside: the handlers are defined with strings, more specifically a reference to a class.



Experience level


Session track

Code & Development

Using Factory pattern to reduce code complexity.

Lot of if and else can increase code complexity.

It in turn also decreases readability.

We can create an App Factory which churns out Factory instances.

These instances are specific classes which can have own set of methods with different functionality inside.

For common code there is a base which can handle that thus helping with code duplication.



Experience level


Modular configuration management in Drupal 8

The configuration management system is one of the best upgrades added to Drupal 8 core. I have been working on a project for the past few months in which we have multiple installation profiles to create collections of websites. 

I have learned a few valuable lessons during this project and I hope they will be beneficial to the audience.

The objectives of the session will be to understand



Experience level


Session track

Code & Development

Boarding the Decoupled train with Drupal and Gatsby

Prerequisites: Drupal, PHP, Javascript
The Internet is evolving and so is Drupal.  We are in a world where one Drupal web application can be a source to populate content on many channels like websites, mobile apps, IoT devices.

To make our web applications future-proof and create world-class digital experiences knowing about REST, GraphQL and Decoupled Drupal has become fundamental.

At the end of this session, you'll have better knowledge about these concepts also this could be enough to get you started on your first decoupled project.



Experience level


Coin-operated machine monitoring with IoT and Drupal

Did you know you can connect a 30-year old coin-operated machine with Drupal?

In this session you will learn some fun stuff like:
- How to bring an idea like this to fruition
- Dive into the world of IoT
- How to design your own simple PCB
- How electronic coin acceptor works and how to read data from it
- Code some custom C++ for the your new IoT device
- Implement SSL certificate fingerprint validation
- Create a REST API resource in Drupal and list the events created
- What possibilities are opened with this setup


Aleš Rebec

Experience level


Session track

Business & strategy

Advanced permissions system with Groups

While working on rebuilding a Royal College platform in the United Kingdom, we were tasked with a challenge on how to manage permissions where Groups played a major role in granting the correct access.

Having several entities in play, different roles in different Group types, with various fields from those entities deciding on the logic when granting access to a certain entity, the number of components used in the system quickly grew.

The system also had to plug into several other components the platform used such as Search API, Views API, Plugin API.



Experience level


Session track

Code & Development

Automatic Updates for Drupal: How we built a secure signing infrastructure

In 2019, the Drupal Association lead an initiative to bring Automatic Updates to Drupal. The first phase of that work is complete, and a major part of that work was implementing a secure signing infrastructure for the update services being delivered by Join us for a presentation about the architecture of this infrastructure.



Experience level
