Code & Development

Taking Flight with Tailwind CSS

An introduction to utility class and component-based styling, and how to soar with Tailwind CSS.

Things we'll cover:



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Code & Development

Building Static Websites with Sculpin

Sculpin is a static site generator written in PHP. It converts Markdown files, Twig templates and standard HTML into a static HTML site that can be easily deployed.

This talk will cover a little of the background to Sculpin and what it is, and then will move into some demonstrations of how to build a Sculpin site and what it can do!



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Code & Development

TDD - Test-Driven Drupal

Testing is important.

It allows developers to add new features and edit and refactor existing code without the worry of adding regressions, reduces the reliance on manual testing to discover bugs, and by taking a test-driven approach, your implementation code is leaner as you only write what is needed for your tests to pass.



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Code & Development

Drush for Dummies

Introduction to Drush

Are you tired of navigating through Drupal's admin interface to get things done? Want to speed up development or just look incredibly cool while typing away at the terminal? Time to stop clicking and start typing: learn how to leverage Drush to build and maintain your Drupal sites.

In this session, we'll cover the basics of Drush:



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Code & Development

Managing technical debt: lessons learned and how modern Drupal helps you

Modern Drupal is amazing and awesome, your site can continue to grow and evolve indefinitely. But it also poses challenges. Technical debt is impossible to avoid when working on software and the longer it lives and the bigger it grows, the larger that challenge becomes. At Dropsolid we have several cases with these challenges:



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Code & Development

AI-Powered development using Copilot & ChatGPT

Title: "AI-Powered development using Copilot & ChatGPT"



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Code & Development

Symfony Mailer in Core: The Road Ahead

Drupal 10.2 added the symfony/mailer component as a composer dependency and a new experimental core mailer module is in the works. This talk will give an overview on the current state and the next steps.



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Code & Development

15 Tips & Tricks for Streamlining Your Workflow

Unlock greater efficiency and productivity in your daily routine with the 15 tips & tricks you will learn during this presentation. 

This session will cover a lot of different aspects any Drupal developer or Site Builder would encounter in their daily routine. The tips range from local development tools to features you might have never heard of.

Some tips & tricks might be trivial for a vetted Drupal developer, but there are some true hidden gems in there!



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Code & Development

Visual regression testing with BackstopJS

At VDAB we built a visual regression testing workflow on top of BackstopJS. This open source tool lets you compare screenshots over time of (parts of) your website or application so you can maintain, update and deploy your code ensuring the visual integrity remains unchanged.
In this talk I will show you how you can set up your own BackstopJS testing workflow with examples and some different approaches. But also how we at VDAB use it on a daily basis, and all the cool features we build into our workflow.



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Code & Development

Translatable routes

Ever wondered how to make sure your routes are in the correct language when working on a NextJS frontend (using pages router)? We've had this issue a couple of times as well. In this session you will get an overview of how we ensure that our frontend can power the correct names of paths.

You'll walk away from this session with a good idea on how to implement this in your own applications. Some knowledge about how next js routers work is required.




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Code & Development