Better tools for content editors – Modifiers and Looks



Session track


Experience level



50 min

As a developers we are offten asked by the clients to do small changes in the theme layer. "Please, can this pink be a bit more pinkier?" It is a tiny change in client eyes, but for us it includes multiple steps to go through the complete workflow and deploy process.

  • What if we allow the editors to do these changes for themselves?
  • What if we push some of the responsibility back to them?

Therefore I would like to introduce you to the Modifiers and Look contrib modules.

Modifiers allows you to apply style and behavior to certain elements on the page. Looks are sets of individual modifiers applied together to complete page according to various condition. Combining these two modules it is possible to apply new look to a section of the site for any theme reducing the time for implementing from days to hours.

Both modules are ready to use and tested in real conditions from small local site to enterprise level:

In this session you will get the information about what is a modifier and how can be built, how can it be used on its own and inside a Look. How Look maps to the page elements, how can Look inherit modifications from each other and how the conditions works.

    This session is suitable for the following audiences

    • Site owners: productivity gains from building (multi) sites which require no extra theme development.
    • Editors: creative possibilities being opened up to them.
    • Site builders and frontenders will know how to use Modifiers and Looks and safe time.


    Modifiers and Look logo